Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 47: Hirasawa Susumu

Yep, another Japanese band. Sorry for so many of them so close together, but I absolutely have to post this one today.

Nobody in the entire world has inspiried me more than Satoshi Kon. His movies are incredible, and he's my absolute favoirte director ever. His movies blew me away, and if I could be half as brilliant as him, I'd be happy forever.

Today, he passed away at age 47. And words cannot express how upset I am. Seeing him as the #2 trending topic on twitter, reading through condolences...it just doesn't seem real. A guy this amazing can't die so young and unexpectedly.

Satoshi Kon had great taste in music, because he was a fan of Hirasawa Susumu. Hirasawa Susumu did music for Paranoia Agent, Paprika, and Millennium Actress, all by Satoshi Kon. Both of them together were nothing short of amazing. And now the thought that they'll never collaborate again is freaking killing me.

Today's feature is one of Hirasawa Susumu's songs from Millennium Actress, Rotation LOTUS. Spoilers ahead: This is song is played during the ending credits of the movie, just after the main character, an actress named Chiyoko dies. The last we see of her is a scene from one of her movies, as she blasts off into space and dissappears, representing her dying and moving on to heaven or whatever. /end spoilers. I'll never be able to watch that scene, or hear this song without crying. But I thought a song from a part of the movie like that was perfect for sending someone off.

Goodbye, Satoshi Kon. Thank you so much. Thank you for everything. I wouldn't be the person I was today without you.

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